"Ping" is an app to discover people
in a whole new way.
Ping | a feeling sonar
2017-10-19 Offer beta test to touch new features!

Post (=ping) any words or a sentence for up to 15 characters.
- Your feelings, places you're at, a music you're listening to, words you just made up...really anything.

"Ping" searches and lists up users who posted exactly the same set of characters. You can also narrow down the search with the distance from your current location.
- We call this match a "resonance". Check out who you're resonating with. Some day someone may find your made-up words in Ping. You'll receive a notification when someone resonates you.

Be unlocked
When you resonate with someone for multiple times, the user's pre-registered 'secret images' get unlocked, depending on the number of resonances.
- Register images you want to show someone. They will be unlocked to people who happen to resonate with you, completely by chance. You can upload up to 20 'secret images'.
Ping freely with your feelings and made-up words.


It never ends




Your Pings (posts) will be visible only from users resonated with you.
Your Ping history is not visible from other users.
You can change/edit your user ID and/or profile anytime you want.
You can narrow down the resonation (search) result by distance from your current location.